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A Speculative design for future McDonald's

i'm lovin' it

Individual Design
Personal Project
Speculative Design
07/2021, Year 3
Beijing, China
/Adobe Photoshop
/Adobe Illustrator
i'm lovin' it is a speculative design project for McDonald's in the future, where entertainment, knowledge, experiences and even emotions are sold as fast-food products, consumed in the form of nutrition admixture and directly "eaten" into people's brain through brain computer.

Welcome to
McDonald's History Museum

McDonald's history museum is an exhibition of the historical development of McDonald's, the product area of which expanded from fast-food meals to fast-food culture products with the evolution of brain computer technology.

Ever since the first product series of fast-food nutrition admixture came out in 2050, McDonald's has been devoted to develop all kinds of fast-food culture products to satisfy our customers with more gratifying, specialized and easily-acceptable experience.

At the end of the century, McDonald's Mood Lab series is finally available now, which provides customers with an access to all kinds of emotions without the need to do the corresponding matters. Therefore, McDonald's organized the exhibition, to memorize the path we have been through during the past years.

Road Map12.png

Fast Food Meals (1948)


In 1948, the American brothers Richard and Morris Macdonald closed the old-fashioned restaurant and reopened it in a different way. This is the first McDonald's on the side of the road in San Bernardino, California.

The restaurant has changed the traditional way of serving meals. The foods sold, such as hamburgers, fried foods, and even drinks such as milkshakes and sodas, are all sold in paper packaging. In addition, the restaurant also uses a simple and repetitive flow process to make food. In this way, a new type of fast food was born on the basis of reference to industrial assembly lines and commercial kitchens. With its emergence, a new way of life also spread to all parts of the United States, and later affected the entire world.


Fast-Food Culture Products (2050--2100)

With the evolution of brain-computer technology, McDonald's started to open up a new field of "fast food", which was "eaten" into the brain instead of the mouth. The fast-food admixture containing diverse contents including Set Menu (The finished products from 2050), Custom Built Hamburgers (The custom-made series from 2070) and Mood Lab (The emotion perfume series newly listed recently) is consumed into customer's brain through the hamburger-shaped brain computer, enabling them to get entertainment, knowledge, experiences or even emotions directly from the products.

Hamburger 1.png

Set Menu (2050)

As soon as the Set Menu series launched in 2070, it sparked a flurry globally where people could learn knowledge, watch drama serieses, play video games and even take all kinds of experiences just by intaking specific admixture through brain-computers, which has been bringing a revolutionary transformation to the lifestyle of the mankind, making it easier, quicker and more efficient for people to input everything.

Set Menu11.png

"Why not watch/ play/ learn/ experience it more easily?"

Drama Soup.png

Drama Soup

Drama Soup1.png
Gameboy Coke.png

Gameboy Coke

Gameboy Coke1.png
Memory Bread.png

Memory Bread

Memory Bread1.png
Cloud Diner.png

Cloud Diner

Cloud Diner1.png
Set Menu 2.png
Set Menu 4.png
Set Menu5.png

Custom Built Hamburgers (2080)

In order to meet with people's needs for more fast food products that cater to their taste better, McDonald's devoted great effort to push for the futher development of brain-computer data fetching and AI technology, which finally led to the birth of Custom Built Hamburgers series in 2080.

The name of which memorizing the earliest slogan of McDonald's, Custom Built Hamburgers grab what you are thinking from your brain, analyze what you want, and thus produce personalized contents with the support of our huge database. Instead of the old-styled analyzing-recommending mode, we directly read your taste form your brain and produce brand new fast food for you that you definitely love.


"Read your taste
  And be your love"


Mood Lab (2100)

In the past 20 years, the Set Menu series and Custom Built Hamburgers system has been growing more and more sophisticated. However, are those really the end of our struggle to provide our customers with more satisfactory fast food? Can we make it even easier for them to get what they want? 

Through years of exploration, Mood Lab series is finally born at the end of this century, which provides you with a direct access to all kinds of emotions without the needs to generate them from doing corresponding things. Served as perfumes, the product can be put into specialized admixture to adjust the concentration of the mood you feel. 


"i'm feelin' it"  

Mood Lab广告2.jpg
Mood Lab广告1.jpg
Mood Lab广告3.jpg

"Welcome to McDonald's History Museum!"

鲸鱼素材 (6).png
Design Process

design process


We are now living in a fast-food age, where crash courses, TikTok, and random datings replace paper books, literary films and life-long love. All the information we receive and the entertainment we take are becoming increasingly pipeline-produced, crudely-made, adulatory and addictive, which is gradually stoling our time, killing our critical thinking and eliminating our willpower.


how might we explore the ways people gains knowledge, entertainment, expierences or even emotions in the future by considering the new media form brought by Brain-Computer Interface and the evolution of social conditions, and thus reflect on the fast-food culture nowdays?
Road Map 22.png
Road Map

Concept Development

What if

knowledge, entertainment, experiences and emotions are really served in fast food restaurants in the future, "ate" into our brain through brain-computer interface just as we consume food nowadays?
I grabed the interesting similarties between the real fast food industry and the so-called fast-food culture nowadays throughout the whole process,  and thus speculate a future McDonald's where fast-food culture really becomes fast food in the "restaurants".
Road Map 33.png
未命名作品 18.png
Road Map 34.png




How might we apply the outcome of the speculative design in the future to the reality in the present, thus rise the reflection of the public over the fast-food culture?

Fast-Food Culture Products

Hamburger 3.png

Hamburger Brain Computer


fast-food nutrition admixture


Set Menu Series


Custom Built Hamburgers Series


Mood Lab Series






Window Display

Build small museums of future McDonald's in some of the restaurants as an interactive window display

Package of Food

Combine the design of Hamburger Brain Computer with the packages of hamburgers

Package of Drinks

Make the design of fast-food nutrition admixture into true packages of drinks

Happy Meal Toys

Provide happy meal toys in the shape of different colors of hamburger brain computers


Use advertisements to both promote the activity and rise the reputation of the brand




" Let fast food stop at meals"

Fast Food



Enjoy your meals at

Offers you great books

I decide to builds a brand linkage between McDonald's and amazon. An activity where reading free e-books provided by Amazon and exchange for free meals in specially made packages is involved, along with a series of advertisements and window displays. Therefore, we inspire the awareness of the public to reflect on fast-food culture nowadays and bring financial and repetitional benefits to both the brands.

Activity Design

Poster-read 1.png

1/ Read free e-books specially selected by amazon!

Upon finishing reading each of the specially-selected e-books provided free by Amazon, users will get points to fill in the nutrition package. 

2/ Visit the window displays of
     fast-food culture products!

Window displays of fast-food culture products will be arranged in most of the cities, people can visit them and learn more about fast food culture in the future.

3/ Share the activity on social
     media and let more people know it!

You are encouraged to share anything about the activity on social media, including the books, the window display , the videos and the special meals with the tag #Let fast food stop and meals# to earn more points.

4/ Exchange for special meals and toys with
     your package filled!

Once if the admixture package is filled with the points you have earned, you can go to the McDonald's nearby and exchange for a specially-themed meal and toy! Feel free to share it on social 


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